the most accurate method
Sort large lots accurately? Then choose an optical sorting machine. The machine sorts the products very accurately for diameter, length, shape and for visible defects such as cracks, bumps, scab, zip needles or damage. At the same time, an optical sorter can also flawlessly sort stones and clods from a lot.

why sort?
Proper sorting is important. After all, a better sorted product yields a higher price. This starts as early as the storing stage. By removing as many stones, clods and damaged tubers as possible from the product flow, the product goes into storage with the highest possible quality and the spread of disease is prevented.
Sorting also plays a crucial role in scouring. This is because the buyer wants clarity on what he receives. Careful sorting based on quality and size can lead to a better selling price and less loss due to tare.
An optical sorter accurately records your sorting process. Insight into sorting results are viewable any time of the day thanks to the Internet connection.
Smart Grader user? Then we can remotely watch, advise and help optimize the settings. In this way, we offer customers additional support.