Privacy Policy

Contact form

With the contact form you can ask us questions or request to be contacted. For this we use your email address.

Provision to other companies or institutions

Under no circumstances will we provide your personal data to other companies or institutions.


Our website uses cookies. These are small files in which we can store information so that you do not have to fill it in every time. They also allow us to see when you visit us again.
When you visit our website for the first time, we display a message explaining cookies. Here we will ask for your consent to the use of these cookies.
You can disable cookies through your browser, but some things on our website will then no longer work properly.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our website. We have a processing agreement with Google. This contains strict agreements about what they are allowed to track. We have not allowed Google to use the information obtained from Analytics for other Google services. We have Google anonymize all IP addresses.


Security of personal data is very important to us. We ensure that your data is well secured with us. We constantly adjust the security and pay close attention to what can go wrong.

Changes to this privacy statement

When our website changes, we may also change the privacy statement. So always note the date above and check regularly for new versions. We will do our best to state changes clearly and, if necessary, also announce them separately.

Inspection, modification and deletion of your data

If you have questions or want to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us. Please see the contact details below.
You have the following rights:

  • get an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it;
  • To see exactly what personal data we have;
  • To have errors corrected;
  • Get rid of outdated personal data;
  • withdraw consent;
  • object to a particular use. Please make sure that you always clearly identify who you are, so that we can be sure we are not modifying or deleting data belonging to the wrong person.

Filing a complaint

If you feel we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the regulator, the Personal Data Authority.

Contact details

Lindeweg 24
8315 RD Luttelgeest

Mobile +31(0)622301963