Smart Grader | GeJo Grading Services

About gejo

pioneer in optical sorting

GeJo Grading Services is the technical and creative brain behind Smart Grader. Specialist and pioneer when it comes to optical grading.

From a lack in the sector, the development of an optical grading machine for rootstocks and fruit trees was started on its own initiative. Investigations and test phases go back to 2000. In 2018, GeJo Grading Services took over the development and production of the Smart Grader for potatoes. An in-house innovation that emerged from this is the compact Smart Grader Reader, which analyzes 10-kg samples in just 20 seconds.


  • Experts by experience
  • Speak the language of the client
  • Practice-oriented
  • Solution-oriented
  • Professional and expert
  • Always innovative
  • Single point of contact


The history of GeJo Grading goes back to 2000. In that year, first research was done and machines were built. After years of pioneering and refining, GeJo Grading was officially founded in 2008 by Gerard Blok and Jos Broeders. Born from a lack in the sector; a grading machine for grading rootstocks. With the knowledge Jos had from the involvement in the development of the Smart Grader, he saw possibilities to apply this technique in grading rootstocks. And so it happened; Gerard and Jos developed the leading optical grader for a wide variety of crops.
